Course Objective
To provide students from a wide variety of backgrounds who are interested in obtaining a recognized baking qualification. It builds on the skills knowledge and techniques gained in producing a range of bakery products to a satisfactory standard across Bread, Cake and Pastry.
Course Duration
Full time bread module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Full time cake module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Full time pastry module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Total (3 days per week)
Total theory hours 153 hours
Total practical hours 255 hours
Total hours 408 hours

Course Syllabus
⦁ Operate and monitor bakery machines
⦁ Knowledge and function of ingredients
⦁ Processing concepts techniques
⦁ Mixing procedures and techniques
⦁ Practical baking skills and techniques
⦁ Bakery calculations
⦁ Develop and maintain standards of hygiene, health and safety
⦁ Evaluate quality of bakery products
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Course Objective
To further develop students’ fundamental skills and techniques of baking (attained through BIL – iii) and apply them to a range of advanced skills at Advanced Level Baking (BIL ii). The course consists of 3 advanced modules in Bread, Pastry and Cake making. This course is aimed at those who would like to pursue a career in bakery production, research and development and general management of bread, pastry and cake industries and Catering and Hospitality establishments.
Course Duration
Full time bread module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Full time cake module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Full time pastry module 17 days (136 hours) Theory 51hrs Practical 85hrs
Total (3 days per week)
Total theory hours 153 hours
Total practical hours 255 hours
Total hours 408 hours

Course Syllabus
⦁ Knowledge and function of ingredients
⦁ Processing techniques
⦁ Mixing methods and procedures
⦁ Piping, finishing and decorating skills
⦁ Bakery production planning and costing
⦁ Development and maintenance of standards of hygiene, health and safety
⦁ Evaluate the quality of bakery products
⦁ Learn trouble shooting techniques
⦁ Finish batch bakery products
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Course Objective
The DIB is a competency based, specially structured and designed for bakers, bakery supervisors, pastry chefs and PBTC (BIL-ii) students. It consists of a series of advanced practical modules, outlined to further expand the skills and techniques of a baker. This diploma in baking provides more practice, involving a broader range of skills appropriate to a person who may supervise other people.
Course Duration
Eight (8) practical diploma units (32 hours per unit) Total 256 hours
Two (2) compulsory units. Total 56 hours
Total 312 hours

Course Syllabus
⦁ Gateaux & Torte
⦁ Chocolate & confectionery
⦁ Desserts & Ice Creams
⦁ Afternoon Tea Fancies
⦁ Bread Show Pieces
⦁ Decorative Sugar Show Pieces
⦁ Petits Fours
⦁ Wedding Cakes
⦁ Bakery Management
⦁ Bakery Sanitations